Corona Spread in Lahore

This map is based on the data of patients admitted to the following hospital and represent the cases till 30 March 2020:
Bahria Hospital,
Childern Hospital
Ganga Ram Hospital
General Hospital
Jinnah Hospital
Mayo Hospital
National Hospital
PKLI Hospital
Services Hospital
Shahdara Teaching Hospital
Sheikh Zaid Hospital
Social Security Hospital

Town wise Union Council Boundaries of Lahore

This GIS map consists of polygonal boundaries for 151 union councils of Lahore urban area divided in 11 Towns.

Union council boundaries of lahore

Special thank to our very Valued Contributor for Lahore.

                                   .::Click HERE to request for this data set::.

GIS Map of Lahore (ESRI format)

PKMAPS is a small community of mapping enthusiasts (all over the world) choosing to map Pakistan and share data for free on the internet. They develop maps for GPS or navigators for providing aid in navigation across the Pakistan.

Here, we are using their gps maps to prepare ESRI format shape files, that can be used in GIS software like ArcGIS and Arcview for various analysis and applications for urban planning. Hence expanding the area of application for those maps.

We are presenting a map of Lahore city containing line, point and polygonal features. Coverage and Road hierarchy is visible even from the picture below.image












Points Shape File:

About 1082 places of interest are identified and categories as Hospitals, banks, graveyards, libraries, parks, schools, restaurants, shopping centers, stadiums, amusement centers, landmarks and swimming areas etc.

Lines Shape File:

This layer includes 8418 line features which represent arterial roads, collector roads, residential streets, major highways, alleys, railway routes, airport runways, and water streams. 643 features are identified with their names as well.

Polygones Shape File:

This map layer carries 754 polygones showing city parks, lakes, orchards or plantations, housing schemes or institution boundaries and other polygonal features.Location names are updated for 690 features.

Screen shot below shows a zoom in view where all points, lines and polygonal features can be seen with the level of detail. image










                            .::Special thanks to PKMAPS, smkhan and Faisal::.